What is sesamoiditis in the foot?

Below the big toe joint are a pair of little bones called the sesamoid bones. These are a part of the tendons in the same manner which the patella bone is in the anterior of the knee. The purpose with the sesamoid bones (and also the patella) is to provide…

Is Individual Or Group Therapy Right For You?

When it comes to mental health, there are two main types of therapy that people typically consider: individual therapy and group therapy. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand the differences between the individual and group therapy before deciding which is the best option for you.…

Experience the Best of Waco Nightlife

If you are looking for an exciting night out in Waco, Texas, then you have come to the right place. Waco is a city that has a vibrant and active nightlife scene. From exciting bars and clubs to live music venues and an array of food and entertainment options, you…